“A pizza delivery driver allegedly shot dead a lawyer and wounded her husband because they voted for US President Joe Biden.
Joseph Angel Alvarez, 38, claimed he attacked Georgette and Daniel Kauffman after seeing a Biden flag on their property in El Paso, Texas.
Alvarez reportedly told investigators he targeted the couple in a bid to ‘execute and exterminate the pro-choice Jewish Satan worshippers’. “
Republicans in general and evangelicals in particular demonize Joe Biden, they paint the devout Catholic and moderate Democrat as a Satan-worshipping Communist.
Most white evangelicals believe in the QAnon conspiracy theory that Democrats, celebrities and other elites belong to a Satanic cabal that’s imprisoned thousands of children in caves and underground bunkers, and that one day their Orange Messiah will free the children and imprison their pedophile overlords.
When the pizza delivery driver saw the Biden flag on the property of the Jewish couple, he immediately put two and two together and deduced that the Biden-loving couple, both lawyers, were pro-abortion, Satan worshippers deserving of execution.
Religious Jews believe Satan represents the sinful impulse, the force that prevents human beings from seeking the divine. It’s Christians who regard Satan as a real person, a fallen angel who is constantly seeking to tempt believers into doing evil and forsaking the Almighty. It’s much more likely that Christians, who believe the devil is a real person, who might end up worshipping him, rather than Jews who believe Satan represents our evil impulses.
Fundamentalists who see everything in black and white often see red and react violently to anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their Neanderthal beliefs.
What a world? Do I need to remove my “Black Lives Matter” sign on my front yard and my Biden bumper sticker from my car on my driveway before I order a pizza?