“She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”
Donald Trump Tweet
The stable genius posted this sarcastic message on Twitter above a link to Greta Thunberg’s impassioned speech at the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Monday.
“People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing” Thunberg thundered at the UN audience.
Climate change is one of the most controversial and polarizing issues of today, but regardless where you stand on this critical subject everyone should praise the 16-years-old activist for having the courage and moral fortitude to speak truth to power.
Trump is intellectually predisposed to attack any female who doesn’t agree with him, even if she happens to be a child.
Trump didn’t rely on facts or rational reasoning to rebut Thunberg’s view that human activity is primarily responsible for global climate change. Instead he mocked her demeanor and emotional state during her address at the UN. Of course, the heroic young girl was angry and passionate, she literally believes that “we are “at the beginning of a mass extinction”.
Thunberg is autistic and when she is delivering an emotional speech, her verbal tics and weird facial expressions make her seem wild and irrational. Men who are insecure and misogynist will seize on Thunberg’s unconventional appearance to humiliate and demean her.
Thunberg is remarkably poised and well-versed in all facets of climate change, and she deserves a seat at the table with world leaders. On the other hand, Trump at a climate change forum is like a flat earth believer at an astronomers meeting. Remember this is the fucking moron who believes that windmills cause cancer and that climate change is a Chinese hoax.
Thank God that dinosaurs like Trump who eschew science and facts and embrace conspiracy theories are dying out.
I look forward to a bright and wonderful future when today’s well-educated and thoughtful children will be in power.