Good will and good cheer are hard to come by, especially during the holiday season. People are too busy dodging shoppers in malls, getting drunk at Christmas parties and fighting holiday traffic to contemplate peace in the world and good will in their neighborhoods. At this time of the year there’s a plethora of Grinches and Scrooges and nary an angel to be found.
But in the midst of all the chaos, confusion and strife of the Xmas season I’ve found a small treasure, a commercial from Norway of all things.
I rarely watch broadcast TV because I hate commercials; I barely have the patience for a ten second Internet ad. But a four-minute commercial for Norway’s postal service called “When Harry Met Santa” kept my attention for every blessed second.
This commercial depicts the sweet romance between Santa Claus and a man he only sees annually. Harry is heartbroken that he must wait so long in between visits.
At the end, Santa tells Harry, “Well, I arranged some help this year, so I can be with you,” and then the two kiss.
If this sweet and innocent commercial doesn’t give you the Christmas spirit, your heart is smaller and stonier than that of the Grinch.