“Vice President Mike Pence wouldn’t say the words ‘black lives matter’ when specifically asked to say them in an interview with a local ABC affiliate in Philadelphia. The interview took place on Friday, Juneteenth, which commemorates the end of slavery in the United States.
He instead said what happened to George Floyd was a tragedy and said: ‘In this nation, especially on, on Juneteenth, we celebrate the fact that from the founding of this nation, we cherish the ideal that all, all of us are created equal and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. And so, all lives matter in a very real sense.’”
CBS News
In an interview about Juneteenth, a holiday celebrated on 19 June to commemorate the emancipation of slaves in the United States, it would have been the most appropriate time for Vice President Mike Pence to exclaim, “Black Lives Matter”.
Mike Pence repeatedly declined to utter the words “Black lives matter” during the interview with the ABC affiliate in Pennsylvania on Friday, instead saying that “all lives matter.”
It’s like pulling teeth to get anyone in the racist Trump administration to acknowledge the dignity and humanity of African Americans. In the aftermath of the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd, the latest in an endless string of black men killed by police, when millions of Americans are protesting in cities, towns and villages all over our country, it’s political malpractice and an unpardonable sin for Pence not to acknowledge that there’s systemic racism in the police department and in our society at large by saying: Black Lives Matter!
It’s axiomatic that all lives matter, but it’s not whites who are systematically being executed by cops, it’s blacks who are being hunted down like dogs. In this context it’s foolish and disingenuous to say “all lives matter”, the only sensible response to this institutionalized racism is to scream, “Black Lives Matter.”
After almost four years of the racist rhetoric and racist policies of the Trump administration, it’s abundantly clear that white lives, blue lives and redneck lives matter to them, but they don’t believe that Black Lives Matter!
If you believe that all lives matter, including black lives, on November 3, 2020 vote for Joe Biden, the only candidate who will run his administration as if Black Lives Matter!