“I’m a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.”
Mike Pence
Vice President Mike Pence is an evangelical Christian. This shouldn’t be perceived as a badge of honor, but as a warning to anyone, in this pluralistic democracy, who isn’t a white Christian male. Pence sharpens his dogma into a spear, and brandishes it to strike fear in the hearts of unbelievers. He loves only those who look like him, think like him and hate like him. If the swarthy bearded Jesus of the Gospels walked into Pence’s church, he would instruct one of the ushers to kick him to the curb.
Pence is a Christian first and foremost and he will align himself politically with anyone who will advance his religious agenda. That’s why he had no qualms about becoming the running mate of a life-long Democrat who ran as a Republican only because his racist rhetoric would only be tolerated in the GOP. As long as Donald Trump remains faithful to the evangelical anti-abortion, anti-gay and anti-women’s rights program, Pence will remain his steadfast defender and supporter.
Pence reverently nods along with whatever insane racist, profane or even blasphemous remark escapes from Trump’s sphincter-like mouth. Every politician wishes he had a bobble head mannequin that always agreed with him. Whenever Trump dehumanizes immigrants of color, mocks the physical appearance of women or insults a war hero, there’s Pence nodding by his side, in essence giving his blessing to his boss’s evil words and actions.
Pence is a Christian, a white evangelical Christian, and there are millions just like him who secretly wish America was a theocracy, and the leader of their theocracy would be a tyrant who would make Donald Trump look like Mahatma Gandhi.