Joe Biden leads all of the polls by virtue of his name recognition, and it helps that he hasn`t uttered a word as an official candidate. But as soon as he announces that he`s running his ratings will plummet — his gaffes will inevitably derail his candidacy.
Biden has often been compared to Hamlet for his indecisiveness, but he possesses none of the eloquence of Shakespeare`s protagonist. He is a bungling idiot whose foot invariably finds itself in his mouth, and whose hands invariably find themselves groping women and underage girls.
Biden has teased and toyed with the idea of running for president, seemingly forever. He`s talked about how close he is getting to making a decision, last I heard he was 95 percent certain of entering the fray. His supporters, donors and political operatives are desperately waiting for him to declare his candidacy.
But still nothing. Biden must be at home fiddling with his Camaro or diddling a young niece or great granddaughter.
While Biden is doing his Hamlet “to be or not to be act” his political career as a serial groper is crashing down on him.
Lucy Flores alleges that at a campaign even in 2014, when she was running for lieutenant governor, Biden accosted her from behind. The creep inhaled her hair, and planted a big sloppy kiss on the back of her head.
The Flores incident isn`t an aberration, Biden is a serial groper and there are dozens of women, and more disturbingly, underage girls that he has groped and otherwise sexually assaulted in his decades long career as a politician.
I`m hoping and praying that the #metoo movement will destroy his candidacy before it gets off the ground.
A 2020 face-off between serial sexual predator Donald Trump and serial molester of young girls Joe Biden will mean the end of our democracy.