“Second Lady Karen Pence was terrified after Donald Trump won the 2016 election — scared that the couple would go broke. ‘What are we going to do, Mike? We don’t have any money!’ she railed at husband Mike Pence the day after Trump’s surprise victory, according to an upcoming book. ‘Who’s going to pay for my inaugural gown?’ Trump’s inaugural committee ended up picking up the tab for Karen Pence’s outfit, according to Tom LoBianco, author of ‘Piety & Power: Mike Pence and the Taking of the White House.’”
The New York Post
When Donald Trump’s vain fantasy of being the President of the United States became a real-life nightmare, Karen Pence was mortified and terrified.
Was the devout evangelical Christian terrified because she feared that the morally depraved real estate developer with a penchant for declaring bankruptcies to avoid paying contractors would lead America to financial ruin and moral depravity?
No. Mother was only thinking about herself, namely who was going to pay for her inaugural gown. It’s totally in keeping with the mentality of a politician’s wife, that she expects someone, a lobbyist, a donor, or the government, to pay for her damn inaugural gown.
“What are we going to do, Mike? We don’t have any money,” she screamed at her hapless husband. The Pences aren’t exactly in the poorhouse, Mike’s state and federal pensions pay him hundreds of thousands per year for the rest of his life. We’re not talking about a blue-collar family that is worried about how they will pay for their daughter’s prom dress.
Even had Mother worn the most expensive inaugural gown in the world, she would still look frumpy and dowdy. She’s no Melania Trump, that’s for damn sure.
I was terrified when Trump won the 2016 election, and I’m still terrified. Who will deliver us from the vulgar and incompetent Trumps and the sanctimonious and hypocritical Pences?
Read More: https://nypost.com/2019/09/07/karen-pence-was-worried-about-going-broke-after-trump-won/