“Kamala Harris prompted laughter from the audience during Thursday night’s primary debate by likening Trump to the ‘small dude’ behind the curtain in ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ ‘Donald Trump, in office, on trade policy … he reminds me of that guy in ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ you know, when you pull back the curtain, it’s a really small dude,’ she said, referring to the title character.”
The Hill
Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow and Toto’s journey down the Yellow Brick Road finally ends in the Emerald City of Oz. They hear a loud booming voice as if the Wizard of Oz was a Greek deity speaking from Mount Olympus, commanding them to come back another time. But Toto rips open the curtain, and the mighty Wizard of Oz is exposed as an ineffectual little man. Like any con artist worth his salt the Wiz doesn’t come clean right away, instead continuing to bellow over the loudspeaker: Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Trump huffs and puffs as if he were a ferocious wolf but, he’s a little piglet with tiny fingers. We should pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, he isn’t the greatest president since the late great Abraham Lincoln, and he isn’t a populist hero making America Great Again. He’s a racist, a short-fingered vulgarian, and a fucking moron.
The pompous buffoon certainly reminds us of the Wizard of Oz, but he also bears a striking resemblance to two other characters in that iconic movie.
Trump frequently brags about his supposedly high IQ, and he refers to himself as a “stable genius”, but his head is as bereft of a brain as the Scarecrow.
The Cowardly lion is a big bully who tries to bite little Toto, but cries like a little bitch when Dorothy slaps him. Trump tries to portray himself as an alpha dog, the king of the jungle, but never let us forget he’s the coward who avoided the Vietnam War by claiming he had bone spurs.
The Wizard didn’t deserve to rule over the Emerald City of Oz and Trump doesn’t deserve to be the President of the United States. Pay no attention to Trump’s lies and boasts and kick him to the curb on November 2020.