In an interview with GQ Hype John Legend said that “Donald Trump is the exact opposite of what we need right now.”
Amen, John Legend, Amen!
Under the best circumstances we don’t need Trump screwing things up and during a global pandemic he is the exact opposite of what we need.
During a health crisis that has devastated our economy and taken the lives of tens of thousands of Americans we need the president to act as the comforter-in-chief. Unfortunately, Trump is a sociopath incapable of empathizing with the suffering and pain of others. In his public statements Trump has made the coronavirus pandemic all about himself, he complains that he hasn’t received enough gratitude from the governors for the help that the federal government has rendered and he berates the press for not praising his management of the crisis.
During an existential crisis we need a leader who is calm and sober-minded, what we have in Trump is a narcissist who is unable to contain his rage against his critics, the media and scientists and physicians who won’t back up his foolish and dangerous contention that America is ready to open the economy and that the virus has been contained.
At this critical juncture in our history we need a statesman who is if not eloquent, then at least a good communicator. Trump is functionally-illiterate, and the last thing we need are his belligerent rants and incoherent stream-of-consciousness musings.
During a pandemic we need a manager who knows how to delegate authority and who will defer to the advice and counsel of physicians and scientists. Not a jackass who plays a doctor on TV and peddles fake cures and suggests that injecting coronavirus patients with disinfectants will cure them.
No shit, Donald Trump is the exact opposite of what we need right now. This virus will be with us for months if not years, just remember that when you vote this November.