The ghoulish scene of a 79-year-old Joe Biden eulogizing Bob Dole, who was 98 at death, wouldn’t be out-of-place in a typically depressing Swedish movie or in a horror flick, but it’s disconcerting in real life, to say the least.
The last few survivors of the Greatest Generation belong in a nursing home or in a Wal-Mart greeting customers, not in the White House.
Our septuagenarian, soon to be an octogenarian, president suffered another senior moment while speaking at the memorial service for the late Senator Bob Dole.
Biden read aloud instructions written on his script, saying “End of message.” It’s endearing when your grandpop has a senior moment, but when the Leader of the Free World and commander-in-chief has a senior moment it’s terrifying.
It may soon be “End of Message” for western civilization if our cognitively compromised president mistakes the red button on his desk for God knows what! I exaggerate of course, but it’s no exaggeration to say that Biden is too freaking old to be the President of the United States.