In 2007 before he totally flamed out of the presidential race Joe Biden “complimented” Barack Obama:
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that`s a storybook, man.”
The guy is a gaffe machine, his foot is always in his mouth and his hands are always caressing underage girls.
That statement could have been uttered by a White Nationalist, but Biden usually gets the benefit of the doubt from the mainstream press that`s transfixed by his quirky albeit creepy personality.
It`s 2019 and Biden still has that glint in his eye, your guess is as good as mine, if it indicative of presidential ambitions or a craving for young girls.
Most political pundits expect Biden to finally enter the presidential race sometime in April. It`s been reported that he is mulling over choosing Stacey Abrams as his vice presidential running mate. Abrams is Biden`s kind of African American: articulate, bright, clean and a nice-looking gal.
Actually Abrams is considering a presidential run herself, and I hope she doesn`t damage her credibility by considering Biden as her running mate.
Biden knows that his time has come and gone: he`s too moderate, too freaking old, and too much of a sexual pervert to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in this woke generation. But I must concede that he would make an excellent Republican presidential candidate.
Biden`s despicable and transparent attempt to appear relevant by invoking the name of a black woman as a possible running mate, is proof positivethat the old fossil should be buried once and for all.