“Joe Biden has complained that people are focusing too much on his age as he decides whether to run for a second term….
The US president recently lashed out, telling an ally: ‘You think I don’t know how f—ing old I am?’ according to Politico.”
Joe Biden is complaining that voters are focusing too much on his age as he contemplates running for a second term.
Well Duh! Biden is 80 and would be 86 at the end of his second term, of course we are alarmed that an adle-brained octogenarian wants to run for a second term.
An 80-year-old nanny with impeccable credentials and a sterling resume will find it difficult to find any parents willing to entrust her with their children. Parents wouldn’t focus on her qualifications; they’d be worried that she doesn’t have the physical energy or the mental dexterity to keep up with rambunctious toddlers.
It’s manifest that Biden’s elevator doesn’t reach the top floor, and it’s only a matter of time before the rusty elevator crashes down to the basement.
Biden, we know how fucking old you are: too old to run for reelection. We suspect that a feeble old man who has a habit of shaking hands with his imaginary friends is too fucking old to remember that he his too fucking old to run for reelection.