Joe Biden is old. Very old. He looks old, and he acts old. His hair plugs and dentures are preternaturally white, and as natural looking as your grandma’s blue hair. His rictus grin wouldn’t be out of place in a slasher movie, it scares the bejesus out of voters, young and old.
Old men fall in to two camps, the harmless-looking and the creepy-looking, Biden is the quintessential creepy old codger. When Biden inappropriately touches a young woman, you cringe and pray that her soul wont’ be permanently defiled.
Biden would be 78 by the time he assumed office if elected next fall, making him the oldest first-term president in history. Donald Trump has proven that a septuagenarian doesn’t have the mental acuity or the physical stamina to be the Leader of the Free World. Are we really going to make the fatal mistake of replacing a 70-something racist with an almost 80-year old political hack with a penchant for groping young women and prepubescent girls?
Sen. Bernie Sanders is even older, he’d be 79 in January of 2021. Trump, Sanders and Biden belong in a convalescent home, not the White House.
Call me ageist if you will, but we don’t need another old white man in the Oval Office, especially when there are so many attractive young men and women running for president.
I’m sick and tired of Joe Biden and his gaffes, inappropriate touching, and out-of-touch moderate political policies.
I come to bury Biden, not to praise him, condone his moderate politics, or excuse his inappropriate fondling of young girls. It would be unforgivable if Democrats elect him as their presidential nominee
August 2019 Archives Page Two: