Biden’s dimensia is getting worsening. He is not fit.
Bad grammar, typos, and lack of punctuation are ubiquitous on social media platforms, and only an anal-retentive grammarian would throw a hissy fit if a tweet wasn’t a sterling example of the Queen’s English. However, I would ridicule anyone who misspelled dementia as “dimensia” in a tweet.
But this message didn’t appear on a tweet, it was the caption on a huge billboard that featured pictures of then presidential candidate Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris in October 2020.
If I made such a shocking spelling error on a freaking billboard, I would become a hermit and never again question anyone’s mental acuity.
Republicans didn’t gain any traction with their baseless accusations that Biden was suffering from dementia, and he won an electoral college and popular vote landslide.
Conservatives haven’t found a line of attack that works against Biden, and they’ve fallen back time and time again to claiming that he’s too mentally feeble to serve as commander-in-chief.
I’ll stipulate that Biden has lost a step or two, but he’s still a quantum leap improvement over Trump whose cognitive capability was as irredeemably impaired as his moral fitness for the presidency.
Only a quack would diagnose Biden with dementia, and only an idiot would claim that Biden’s demensia is worsening. Not only is Biden fit to serve, but he’s doing a great job.