Of the nine candidates officially running in the Democratic presidential primary, only one is a heterosexual white man. The man who sticks out like a sore thumb in the diverse field of minority and female presidential hopefuls is former Rep. John Delaney. Delaney is as bland and boring as a soggy slice of white bread, and he has zero name recognition outside of his immediate family. Delaney is such a nonentity that he has only four thousand more Twitter followers than this humble blogger.
You might be wondering “where are all the Democratic white male politicians with presidential ambitions”? They are testing the waters, they are either too timid to run, or perhaps they sense that in this election cycle there is no room for them.
The most famous of the Democratic white male politicians who still haven`t declare their candidacy are the three B`s: Beto, Bernie and Biden.
Let`s address the two septuagenarians first: Sen. Bernie Sanders gave Hillary Clinton a run for her money in 2016, but he isn`t a novelty anymore. Almost all of the Democratic candidates have embraced his socialist agenda, and he can`t compete with charismatic liberals like Sen. Kamala Harris and Sen. Cory Booker. Sanders is just a cranky old codger now, propped up by a band of misogynist bros.
Then there`s the former vice president, Joe Biden, but he`s too old, too moderate, too gaffe-prone, and too enamored of little girls. The third time won`t be the charm for this old reprobate, unlike Donald Trump he`s not Teflon-coated, and his campaign would sink before it has a chance to take off.
Former Rep. Beto O`Rourke is the only one with a chance of overcoming the disadvantage of being a heterosexual white male, he`s young, charismatic and liberal.
My advice for Biden is to retire and spend the rest of his days watching the little girls play in the playground, under the supervision of an adult. I would counsel Sanders to atone for the rampant misogyny in his 2016 presidential campaign by remaining in the Senate, and volunteering for women`s rights organizations.