JD Vance is a Mean Jerk

Donald Trump is a manifestly vicious, nasty, petty, and vindictive little man, but his supporters and sycophants find these odious traits endearing and inspiring. Every vile comment and every ridiculous statement that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth is treated as the Gospel truth by his disciples.

White evangelicals are every bit as fascist and disgusting as their orange messiah.

Trump chose JD Vance as his running mate over the objections of his trusted aides, and in short order he has become the most disliked vice-presidential candidate in history.

Vance is on a mission from God to remain in the good graces of his boss by spouting hate on every campaign stop. He has an audience of one, and Trump feeds off the hateful energy of his underlings.

Not to belabor the point, but JD Vance is a mean asshole, and he is even turning off the MAGA base. Trumpers love when Trump waxes evil because they believe he can do no wrong, but Vance does not enjoy the same dispensation to be an evil jerk.

Vance was a deplorable jackass before he became part of Trump’s orbit, being in the former president’s orbit has only magnified his fiendishness and degeneracy.  

Vance is every bit an abomination as his Dear Leader, but America is sick and tired of the bad vibes, and the Trump ticket is destined for defeat. This will mean the end of the 78-year-old Trump’s political career, and it will mean the end of the 40-year-old Vance’s career before it really got started.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.