“Donald Trump is a rough individual. He is vain, insensitive and raw. But he loves America more than any President in my lifetime.”
James Woods Hollywood actor best known in recent years for kissing Trump’s ass
Donald Trump is anathema in Hollywood as he is most of America and he receives precious few compliments from celebrities. Even Trump’s diehard supporters can’t bring themselves to praise him unreservedly and Woods heaped praise on him but not before acknowledging that his hero is vain insensitive and raw.
Trump retweeted Woods’ tweet, stating:
“I think that is a great compliment. Thank you, James!”
Only a sociopath egomaniac authoritarian leader would consider being called vain, insensitive and raw a compliment. Trump considers being self-centered, insensitive to the needs of his constituents and raw or vulgar good qualities.
It’s axiomatic that Trump doesn’t love America, he loves only his base and he loves them only because they support him unreservedly.
The truth is that Trump loves red state America i.e. rednecks, white evangelicals, misogynists and racists more than any president in history.
In his first, and hopefully last term, in office Trump has shown his true colors so much that he has been embraced by Nazis, white supremacists and morons like James Wood.
I’m praying that Woods and his ilk are in a minority and that Joe Biden will be victorious in November.