Since the 70’s decades evangelicals have preferred the “Christian family values” of GOP candidates over the perceived secular values of Democrats, but in the Trump era it’s now an article of faith that evangelicals vote for the Republican party, and only apostates vote for Democrats.
It’s now axiomatic that white evangelicals are Republicans and Republicans are evangelicals. Evangelicals and Trumpism are synonymous, evangelicals have inextricably tied their reputation to the toxic Trump brand.
Evangelical Christians have ruined the reputation of all Christians, because nominal Christians, atheists and agnostics and people of other faiths don’t distinguish between evangelical Christians, mainline Protestants and Roman Catholics, and they will conclude that all Christians are racist, homophobic and misogynist.
It’s incumbent upon the minority of evangelicals who don’t worship the orange false messiah and mainline Protestants and Roman Catholics to denounce the racism, xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny of white evangelicals.
In fact, evangelicals who don’t support the unchristian, amoral and wannabe dictator Trump would be well-advised to stop identifying themselves as “evangelicals.”
The word “evangelical” is anathema, and every true Christian, person of other religions, and agnostics and atheists must make common cause in defeating the false Gospel of white evangelicals.