“It’s Only a Matter of Time Before Trump Shits Himself. Frankly, I’m shocked it hasn’t happened already. We have a president who regularly shows signs of mental decline: He regularly forgets people’s names and places. He makes up words. This much is clear—there will quite likely come a time when our president shits himself, probably on TV, for all to see.”
Splinter/Katherine Krueger
Trump’s mouth looks remarkably like a sphincter, and watching him speak is like watching a porn video for freaks with a sphincter fetish. Nothing but crap flows from his mouth, and whenever I hear him speak I feel like taking a shower afterwards.
But I concur with Krueger that it’s only a matter of time before the stable genius shits himself. Trump is like a ticking bomb full of crap: there will be a detonation and the shit will hit the fan. You don’t have to be a professional gambler to know that the odds are in your favor that the obese septuagenarian who eats crap every day will sooner rather than later shit himself on live TV.
The man-baby probably stains his drawers in private every day. Mike Pence doesn’t just wash his mouth after kissing his boss’s bunghole, I bet he’s tasked with washing the feces stains from the sofas and chairs in the White House.
The short-fingered vulgarian has already besmirched the presidency beyond redemption, and it won’t be much of a shock to anyone when the inevitable happens and he suffers the mother of all wet farts in public.
White evangelicals will claim that the stain in clown’s rear end is the likeness of Jesus, and Nancy Pelosi will hold her nose and insist that it’s still not time to impeach the incontinent demented moron.
In other words, it will just be another day in the Trump White House when the crazy old buffoon soils his diapers.
Read More: https://splinternews.com/it-s-only-a-matter-of-time-before-trump-shits-himself-1835071094