“A Very Stable Genius” Thank You
Donald Trump tweet
Apropos of nothing, this was the fucking moron’s first tweet of this weekend’s tweetstorm.
He quickly moved on to attack his favorite target, a prominent black woman, this weekend it was MSNBC’s Joy Reid.
The tweet was in quotation marks, which leads me to believe that the narcissist was quoting himself, because I haven’t heard even his most sycophantic followers use that term to describe him.
The only persons I’ve heard call Trump a stable genius are comics and pundits who do so in an ironic or mocking manner.
Anybody who wakes up at an ungodly hour of the morning to tweet “A Very Stable Genius” Thank You is the antithesis of a stable genius.
And what’s up with the “Thank You”? I’ve heard of folks talking to themselves, but when you thank yourself you’ve reached a new level of craziness.
What do you think my faithful readers, can I get away with channeling the stable genus?
“The Greatest Blogger in the World!” Thank You
Robert Paul Reyes tweet