If Trump is Human Garbage, why is the Presidential Race a Dead Heat?

When the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is a thrice-married, twice impeached felon, failed insurrectionist, pathological liar, cognitively-challenged serial sexual assaulter of women, miscreant who has been convicted of rape and fraud in civil trials, sociopathic personality with delusions of being a dictator, you’d think the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee would be miles ahead in the polls even if he was a wilted head of cabbage.

Certainly Democrats, Independents and even Republicans should vote for Joe Biden, right?

But Donald Trump and Joe Biden are in a dead heat in the national polls, and Trump is ahead in most of the swing states.

Why? Dear God, why?

Donald Trump is not only the undisputed leader of the GOP, but he is also the messiah of the MAGA cult, and his disciples have an excuse or a conspiracy theory for all of his grievous faults.

Pathological Liar? Lies, what lies? Every utterance that emanates from their Orange Messiah’s sphincter-shaped mouth is an alternative fact accepted as the Gospel truth by his disciples.

Cognitively challenged? Whatcha talkin’ about Willis? Trump is a stable genius who has aced a couple of cognitive tests! He’s an eloquent speaker and if the publishing world wasn’t controlled by commies and lesbians, hundreds of his pearls of wisdom would be included in Barlett’s Familiar Quotations.

Felon? His sycophants think he was framed just like Jesus Christ! The Justice System was weaponized against their Dear Leader. Trump considers his felony convictions as badges of honor!

Failed Insurrectionist? The 2020 election was rigged, and the patriotic hero was just trying to stop the steal.

Sociopath? MAGA wingnuts think that the heartless billionaire feels their pain, they think he’s as empathetic as Jesus.

The MAGA cultists are convinced that Trump will win in a landslide, and that Trump will lose only if the election is once again rigged.