White evangelical Christians revere Donald Trump, and demonize his detractors and critics as godless liberals, socialists and infidels. Loyalty to Trump is as important to evangelicals as the divinity of Jesus Christ, the infallibility of the Bible and the sovereignty of God.
Trump is physically repulsive, witness his orange hued complexion, his wispy urine-colored hair, triple chin, sphincter-shaped mouth and tiny doll hands. In spite of Trump’s grotesque physical appearance and amoral character, evangelicals treat him like a demigod. I am convinced that if the short-fingered vulgarian was decades younger, handsome and articulate, white evangelicals would proclaim that he was the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Evangelicals main objective used to be to evangelize the world, that is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their new mission is to spread Trumpism, especially its most important doctrine, the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen for their orange messiah.
A Christian can believe in the Trinity of God, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the inerrancy of Scripture and the need for a born-again experience, but if he doesn’t believe the Big Lie he is ostracized as a heretic.
Christians should reject the evangelical movement as a true expression of Christianity, and secular citizens should oppose evangelicals as zealously as they do Nazis and white supremacists.