In a beliefnet.com article Tom Selleck is quoted as saying that Jesus Christ is responsible for all the success in his life.
It’s a good thing Jesus Christ rose from the dead, otherwise he would constantly be rolling over in his grave every time a wanker attributed his “success” in life to Him.
Selleck isn’t a philanthropist, educator, scientist or writer he’s an actor who owes all of his success in his profession to his good looks.
In his prime in the 80’s Selleck won a few Emmy Awards for his portrayal of private investigator, Thomas Magnum. Selleck’s iconic mustache should have received an Emmy for “best supporting actor”, because his thespian skills consisted of looking pretty in Hawaii’s beautiful scenery.
Selleck, 76 is still acting, although now his ridiculous toupee receives more attention than his mustache.
Selleck an ultra-conservative is a spokesman for the National Rifle Association (NRA), but by far his most deplorable role is as a paid endorser for reverse mortgages. Reverse Mortgages prey on the elderly, and only a person who has sold his soul to the devil would shill for such despicable companies.
WWJD? He sure as fuck wouldn’t be a spokesman for the NRA or reverse mortgages.
How dare Selleck credit Jesus for his success in life, Jesus would beat the holy hell out of him and stuff his toupee where the sun don’t shine.