“Three abortion activists stripped down to their underwear in protest to interrupt a Sunday service at pastor Joel Osteen’s Texas megachurch.
After Osteen had finished leading a prayer and congregants began to sit down, the women stood up and began chanting, ‘my body, my fucking choice.’ Two of the women removed their dresses, with one shouting, ‘Overturn Roe, hell no!’”
A church is a safe place, a sanctuary, for believers to gather together to worship their God and fellowship together. It’s sacrilegious and blasphemous for pro-choice activists to invade this holy place, strip down to their drawers and shout expletives, right?
Maybe not! A hospital or clinic is a safe place, a sanctuary, for patients to avail themselves of medical care, and its’ an outrage for pro-life activists to harass women and medical staff at abortion clinics, screaming at them, calling them murderers. This harassment of women seeking medical care at Planned Parenthood clinics happens so frequently that it rarely makes the local news.
I applaud the activists, a trio from Texas Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, for speaking truth to power! Jesus, looking down from heaven, most likely applauded their performance art.
My only quibble is that the brave holy women should have targeted the more reactionary Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, led by Trump-supporting John Hagee, instead of Osteen’s church which rarely tackles controversial subjects.