Most white evangelicals are vehemently opposed to abortion, and their rhetoric isn’t nuanced or restrained, they flat-out call abortion murder. They firmly believe that anyone who is pro-choice is morally unqualified to be a minister, physician or a politician.
For decades they have demonized pro-choice politicians as Marxist and Satanic baby killers who are undermining Christianity and democracy.
The Republican nominee for senator for Georgia, Herschel Walker, is a self-proclaimed evangelical who is strongly opposed to abortion with absolutely no exceptions.
Two women have credibly claimed that Walker paid for them to have an abortion. Walker’s had out-of-wedlock children with several women, children he hadn’t publicly accounted for or privately supported.
Evangelicals should have turned away from Walker with disgust, after all by their reckoning he’s a serial baby killer, a serial philanderer and a deadbeat dad.
Instead, evangelicals have rushed to his defense, proving that owning the libs and advancing their racist MAGA agenda is more important to them than their principles and fidelity to the Bible.
I will celebrate when Walker is defeated in the runoff election, proving that God hates these religious assholes as much as most Americans.