When tragedy strikes whether in the homeland or somewhere else in the global village, the president in his role as comforter-in-chief soothes our anxiety and fear with soothing words.
President Donald Trump has the best words, but in times of turmoil his tweets and comments always inflame rather than soothe the national psyche.
When White Nationalists, Nazis and assorted racist scum paraded their racism for all the world to see in Charlottesville, instead of uniting our country with words of condemnation for bigotry and racism, Trump made things exponentially worse with his despicable “good people on both sides” rhetoric.
In the aftermath of the horrible massacre in New Zealand when a white nationalist gunned down dozens of Muslims while they were worshipping in a mosque, Trump once again failed to call out white nationalism.
Here`s Trump`s tepid response to the abominable act of terrorism, via a tweet:
“My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!”
Later in remarks in the Oval Office, he said:
“I spoke with Prime Minister Ardern of New Zealand to express the sorrow of our entire nation following the monstrous terror attacks at two mosques.”
Trump didn`t express empathy or solidarity with the Muslim community in America and around the world, and he didn`t explicitly condemn white nationalism. Granted Trump is a psychopath incapable of empathy, but he should have forced himself to fulfill his responsibility as comforter-in-chief.
Less than 24 hours after the terrorist slaughtered 49 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in New Zealand and posted a manifesto online citing the “invasion of France and the West by nonwhites” our fearless leader had this to say:
“People hate the word `invasion,` but that`s what it is. It`s an invasion of drugs, criminals, & people…in some cases, they are killers.”
Trump boldly echoed the rhetoric of white nationalists by referring to hardworking immigrants as “invaders.” Trump utterly failed to moderate his language given the rise in violence and terrorism by white racists all over the world.
You don`t need to be a member of the “Southern Poverty Law Center” to deduce that Trump is an implacable racist. By word, deed, executive action and policy Trump has proven that he is racist to the core, and it is incumbent upon all Americans who hate racism and bigotry to remove him from office by any means necessary.