Donald Trump’s ‘Executive Time’ Should be Extended to 12 Hours a Day

“President Donald Trump`s work days reportedly begin as late as 11 a.m., end by 6 p.m., and often contain hours of executive time.

Trump`s private schedule, which was obtained by Axios, showed `executive time` listed from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m., when he was `in his residence, watching TV, making phone calls and tweeting.` He also had `executive time` periods scheduled throughout each day.”

Huffington Post

Like most septuagenarians Donald Trump doesn`t get much more than four of sleep a night, and like most septuagenarians he doesn`t make the most out of his waking hours. When you get that old and decrepit you consider it a productive day if you manage to put on your adult diapers without any assistance.

Most of us endure a long commute before reaching the office, but all Trump has to do is walk down the stairs to the Oval Office. Nevertheless, Trump needs three hours of executive time before his official workday begins.

In Trump`s case executive time is a synonym for farting around: He watches cable news channels, calls his billionaire pals, and tweets his fool head off. If an average hard-working stiff indulged in more than five minutes of executive time at work he`d get canned.

But don`t get me wrong, I`m not complaining, in fact I would be delighted if Trump`s executive time was extended to 12 hours per day. Trump`s administration doesn`t need their Fearless Leader`s bumbling interference, they would get a lot more accomplished if the stable genius spent all of his day in his bed, tweeting and snacking on cheese balls.

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