“Donald Trump said this week that he dreams about out Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg — and Buttigieg finds that pretty unsettling.
‘I mean, you have Alfred E. Neuman who’s running, who’s like this guy?’ Trump said at a campaign rally in Hershey, Pa., Tuesday night. Neuman is the big-eared, grinning, goofy-looking mascot of Mad magazine. ‘This guy Buttigieg, Boot-edge-edge. Can you believe he’s doing well? He’s like the leading fundraiser. I dream about him! It’s true. No, Boot-edge-edge!'”
The Advocate
It’s a great compliment when lovers or friends tell you that they dream about you, it means that you’ve made such a positive impact on their lives and they trust you so much that you inhabit their minds when they’re in their most vulnerable state. It could be argued that when your lover tells you that she dreams about you, it means even more than when she declares that she loves you.
But it’s unsettling to say the least when a powerful and evil man tells you that he dreams about you. When a lover tells you that she dreams about you it’s a comforting and heartwarming thought, but when a corrupt and malevolent entity tells you that he dreams about you, it’s a threat.
Mayor Pete has my sympathies, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if the stable genius publicly declared that he dreams about me. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or a psychiatrist to deduce that the primal urges of sex and power dominate Trump’s dreams. Poor Pete is probably wondering if the physically hideous president is having wet dreams about him, or if he is dreaming about destroying him.
In an interview with the Washington Post Mayor Pete responded to Trump’s disturbing tweet:
“I will admit it did bother me when he says he dreams about me. I don’t know what goes on in this president’s dreams, but I’m sure I want absolutely nothing to do with them.”
I hope Trump’s nightmare comes true and Buttigieg wins the Democratic presidential race, the intelligent, articulate, spiritual and young Mayor of South Bend, Indiana would crush the idiotic, unintelligible, immoral and decrepit illegitimate President of the United States.