In Kenosha, Wisconsin, in Trump’s next to last MAGA rally of the 2020 campaign he made a comment that describes his four-year tenure in the White House, including the transition period.
“This isn’t about – yeah, it is about me, I guess, when you think about it,” Trump mused.
What happened here is that the stable genius strayed from his prepared remarks as he has a penchant for doing, and told the truth.
His speech writers had probably written something like: This isn’t about me, it’s about the Republican party and the future of our country.
But we all know that it’s never been about what’s good for the Republican party or our democracy, Trump adopted the Republican philosophy not of out conviction but expedience, in 2015 he correctly intuited that his best way to become president was by channeling the GOP’s racism, intolerance, xenophobia and homophobia.
Trump has exploited his term in office to enrich himself and his family, burnish his brand, and to punish his critics and opponents and reward his sycophants.
Trump has been soundly defeated by Biden in the popular vote and in the electoral college, and as sure as the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west Biden will be inaugurated as the 46th president on January 20, 2021.
To the surprise of no one Trump isn’t using his last two and half months of his term to ensure that there’s a smooth transition for the good of the nation, and the Republican party.
Trump is spending his last days in power denying reality, sulking, and ensuring that the transition is as rocky as possible. It’s still all about Trump, and never mind that he is putting the security of our nation at risk and harming the interests of the GOP with his baseless accusations that Biden only was due to massive election fraud.
It’s still all about Trump, and to the surprise of nobody his white evangelical supporters, who are the epitome of useful idiots, echo his insane allegation that he won the election and is still the president.
I don’t expect Trump’s cult-like followers to acknowledge the reality that their false messiah lost, but I hope Republican leaders stop coddling the toddler-in-chief and emphatically declare the truth that Biden won. This charade has got to end.