When a woman signs a contract to work as an exotic dancer at a strip club she knows that she`s in for world of humiliation besides the inherent degradation of exposing her body parts to leering and ogling men for a few dollars.
She won`t have union representation, health insurance or any fringe benefits. The owner of the club will expect her to perform lap dances and other sexual favors for paying customers, ultimately she`s as disposable as a dirty and ripped pair of thongs.
When a person accepts a position in the Trump administration he knows that he is in for a world of humiliation. We have witnessed a parade of captains of industry, educators and politicians accept positions in Trump`s administration only to resign or be fired months later with their dignity and reputation in shatters. In Trump`s world respected career politicians and even generals are as disposable as one of his wives who has reached her expiration date.
Vice President Mike Pence is no exception to this rule despite his obsequiousness and servile attitude towards his master, he has repeatedly been humiliated by him.
Trump`s treatment of Pence during the shutdown is just the latest example. Trump initially signaled that he would back a funding bill without money for his precious wall, dispatching Pence to the Senate to tell Republicans that he was on board.
But as he is wont to do Trump later reversed himself after Ann Coulter and other far right loonies ripped him a new a-hole, leaving Pence looking pitiful, powerless and pathetic.
When the government shut down, Trump again dispatched Pence to the Senate, and he worked out a compromise deal with the Democrats of only $2.5 billion in wall funding.
But Trump made his loyal second-in-command look like a fool again, bellowing at a cabinet meeting that he wouldn`t accept anything less than $5.6 billion for his wall.
I have no sympathy for a stripper who is treated like dirt as a strip club, she knew the humiliations she would suffer in her chosen profession, and I have no sympathy for anyone who accepts a position in the White House, they knew full well that the stable genius is the mayor of Crazytown.