The Post’s Fact Checker database has been updated with President Trump’s weekend remarks. He has surpassed 10,000 false claims during his presidency. https://wapo.st/2ZRGM3U
The Washington Post
Congrats, #DerangedDonald!! An amazing accomplishment!! No one but you could have achieved this. Not just the number. Covering all topics, never shying from even the most brazen, disprovable lies, you’ve even managed to tell multiple lies on same subject, lying even about lying!!
George Conway
White House spokesperson and liar extraordinaire Kellyanne Conway’s truth-telling husband.
I’ve written several essays about Trump’s predilection for telling lies, but I can’t allow Trump’s monumental achievement to pass without reminding everyone that this is not normal, and it’s incumbent upon us to call him out every time he lies.
Trump’s fabrications have a snowball effect, he’s personally told over 10,000 falsehoods, and his aides have told 100,000 more to spin, explain and justify his deceptions. Trump’s followers have told millions in defense of their Savior. The biggest whopper is the one they tell to themselves, namely that Trump has been anointed by God to Make America Great Again.
George Conway isn’t afraid to speak truth to power and criticize Trump for his prodigious ability to spit out lies at a rapid fire pace, even though he is married to one of the president’s most trusted aides.
There are less than a handful of Republican leaders with the courage and integrity to call out Trump on his lies, therefore it falls upon reporters, bloggers and voters to blast him every time he lies.