Clueless Arizona State Senator Wants to Name Highway After Donald Trump

Republican state Senator Wendy Rogers wants to name a major state highway in Arizona after former president Donald Trump.

It takes a lot of chutzpah to seek to name a highway after a disgraced twice impeached president. But at least she doesn’t want to name a school after the functionally-illiterate buffoon or a government building after the insurrectionist-in-chief.

But even naming a highway after Trump makes no sense, after all this is the president who seven times during his administration declared an infrastructure week, only to see those plans not come to fruition.

Rogers would be on safer ground naming an outhouse or a dumpster after Trump, that would stand a better chance of becoming law.

Trump was rejected by Arizona voters, and if the measure was put on the ballot, I’m persuaded it would fail to pass.

The bill has been assigned to the Senate Transportation Committee, and hopefully it won’t receive a hearing.