Cat ladies are notorious for anthropomorphizing their pampered kitties, who doesn`t know a cat owner who says something like: Butterball`s left ear just twitched, that means she wants to watch the Jerry Springer show. Usually she like to watch documentaries on the History Channel or one of the cable news networks, but Springer is her guilty pleasure.
I have two cats and I spoil them to death, but I`m under no illusion that they possess human traits. A cat has a fixed expression, and it`s difficult for me to ascribe to it human characteristics. I can tell when my pets are mad, because they will express their anger by hissing or scratching me, but I really don`t think they consider any specific show Must-watch TV.
The ancient Egyptians went further than your modern-day cat lady, they considered felines deities. Cats aren`t human or divine, they are wonderful and loving animals, and I recommend that everyone adopt a kitten from an animal shelter.
However, Chimera, a two-month-old Main Coon Cat`s face resembles a human face. If Chimera looked at me and hissed when Donald Trump was on the TV, I would wonder if she was telling me that she disagreed with the president`s immigration policy.
Watch this video and tell me that you dont agree with me that Chimera is a sentient creature capable of analytical thinking:
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