During a campaign stop in Iowa earlier in the week, Biden was speaking to a teacher in that state when he grabbed her hands without asking her first. The teacher was not impressed. The woman chastised Biden for getting too grabby — and afterward said his actions made her feel ‘uncomfortable.’
Creepy Joe Biden’s claim to fame is making women and underaged girls feel uncomfortable. Just search YouTube for “creepy Joe Biden” and you will find dozens of videos depicting Biden groping and otherwise molesting women and prepubescent girls.
We all have an uncle with a penchant for telling off-color jokes or who can’t help himself from kissing and hugging young nieces and grandchildren. Most parents nip that nonsense in the bud and set up strict ground rules when the creep shows up for family get-togethers.
But most women are intimidated when a famous politician gropes them, how do you tell a former vice president that he’s crossed a line? If all the women that Biden has made uncomfortable moved to Iowa, he would win the Iowa Caucus in a landslide.
“Biden has been accused by at least eight women of touching them without permission. Amid a furor over the allegations, he said that he accepted that ‘social norms are changing,’ adding: ‘I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility, and I will meet it.’”
I’m not surprised Biden so quickly reverted to his perverted ways, the only way to keep women and children safe from the likes of Biden is chemical castration or incarceration.
Jessica Roman, the teacher who works with special needs children, was pressing Biden on his plans to help unionized teachers under recent changes to Iowa’s collective bargaining laws when he instinctively reached out and grabbed her hands. In doing so he was asserting his male dominance and getting sexual satisfaction by touching her flesh.
To hell with the misguided notion that Democrats should refrain from criticizing any of the 2020 presidential hopefuls. Joe Biden is too old, too establishment, too moderate, and too creepy to be the Democratic standard bearer.