Joe Biden inherited a plateful of poop from his predecessor (the coronavirus pandemic, the lethargic economy, endless wars), but he is doing a decent job. Wages are up. Unemployment is down. The country is reopening.
Poor Joe can’t catch a break, he’s still dealing with a lot of crap not of his own making. A bird pooped on his suit during a speech he was delivering in a barn in Menlo, Iowa.
Biden’s suit took a direct hit as he was making a speech blaming the astronomical 8.5 annual inflation rate on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
It’s not just that bird that took exception to Biden’s whopper, most Americans blame his policies, and not Putin for the faltering economy.
Biden was totally oblivious to the direct hit, even though the white splatter landed just above his flag lapel pin. I doubt the septuagenarian, soon to be an octogenarian, commander-in-chief would have noticed if the bird built a nest in what remains of his hair transplant.
The White House was dishing out as much feces as the discriminating bird. White House Communications Director Kate denied that a bird crapped on Biden. She claimed that it was a bit of corn that was flying around in the barn.
Politicians are always dishing out shit, it’s heartwarming to see shit land on them, for a change.