Joe Biden wasn’t my first pick as the Democratic presidential nominee, nor was he the second, seventh or even seventeenth, but he would still make a much better president than Donald Trump.
I supported Senator Kamala Harris until she dropped out of the race, then I switched my allegiance to Mayor Pete, and by the time Super Tuesday came around Buttigieg had quite the race along with most of the Democratic hopefuls and I ended up voting for Biden.
South Carolina congressman James Clyburn’s endorsement resurrected Biden’s campaign and after Super Tuesday Part One and Super Tuesday Part Two he is now the only viable candidate. Sanders is on life support and in need of a resurrection himself, but we can’t expect more than one miracle in an election year.
Even Stevie Wonder can read the writing on the wall and Sanders’ handlers would be well-advised to urge him to drop out of the race immediately to give the Democrats enough time to regroup, unite behind Biden, so they can defeat Trump in the fall.
Unfortunately, Sanders is a cranky and stubborn old man and given his history of remaining in the race against Hillary Clinton long after he was mathematically eliminated it looks like once again, he will do indelible harm to the Democratic Party long by sticking around long after his expiration date.