Tuesday night the rock stars of the Democratic Party, Barack and Michelle Obama, were at center stage and they didn’t disappoint.
Michelle Obama was up first and the former first lady delivered a blistering address, taking roundhouse punches at disgraced former President Trump, while rarely naming the steaming pile of human shit.
Former President Barack Obama was eloquent and inspirational appealing to our better angels to rise above the divisiveness and chaos in large part created by Trump.
But with this punchline, demonstrating the timing of a professional comic he eviscerated his nemesis:
“Here is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago. There’s the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes.”
In Obama’s ferocious takedown of Trump, he used the word “weird” that has come to define the former president, his running mate and his MAGA supporters. Trump is many things, racist, cruel, vindictive, petty, obscene, and infantile, but it is a weird vibe that permeates all these vices.
Obama is spot on, the blithering idiot has not stopped whining since he rode down his golden escalator, and we are sick and tired of the whining incontinent toddler.
Enough with his juvenile nicknames, the weird conspiracy theories, and his weird obsession with crowd sizes.
When Obama made the crack about weird obsession with crowd sizes, he made a suggestive gesture that left no doubt that he was mocking Trump’s tiny mushroom-shaped penis.
Thank you, Barack Obama, the nation owes you a debt of gratitude for destroying Trump with one epic broadside.