On the same day President Joe Biden signed an executive order lifting a Trump-era ban on transgender people serving openly in the military, Texas Army chaplain Maj. Andrew Calvert stated in a Facebook post that transgender soldiers were “mentally unfit” and “unqualified to serve.”
Biden is the commander-in-chief and moral leader of the United States, and one of his first acts was to lift the ban on transgender citizens serving openly and proudly in the military.
Major Calvert is going against the express order of his commander-in-chief and he should immediately be relieved of his duties. America is a stronger democracy when discrimination against the LGTBQ community is illegal in civilian life and in the military, and Biden must demonstrate that he is serious about inclusivity in the military by summarily firing Calvert.
The bigotry of this army chaplain begs the question: Why are there even chaplains in the military? I believe in the separation of church and state and that includes separation of church and military.
Military chaplains aren’t allowed to carry weapons, rendering them totally useless in a war. We know the folly of bringing a knife to a gun fight, but what about the insanity of bringing a crucifix or a Bible to a war?