“Pat Robertson, famed televangelist and founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, has stepped down as host of the long-running Christian talk show ‘The 700 Club.’
The 91-year-old announced his departure during Friday’s edition of the series, telling audiences that the episode would be his last and that his son and current CEO of the network, Gordon, will take over as host.”
The 700 Club which airs on weekdays spews enough racism, misogyny, and homophobia to keep trigger-happy evangelicals primed to fight godless liberals, socialist Democrats and limp-wristed homosexuals.
The abominable program, initially named for its goal of recruiting 700 members whose pledges would keep the founding station afloat financially has metastasized into a worldwide ministry reaching millions with its toxic message.
For over fifty years the 700 Club afforded Pat Robertson a platform to poison Christianity and the culture at large. The 91-year-old televangelist doesn’t have enough time left to begin to undo the indelible damage he has done to the evangelical brand, the Republican Party, and to the millions of religious of Muslims, gays and lesbians, and immigrants that he has demonized and marginalized.
In his prime Robertson was right out of central casting: handsome, vibrant and articulate, but now the nonagenarian looks as physically revolting as his evil spirit.
In the 70’s Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell aligned their evangelical movement with the Republican Party, and in 1988 Robertson ran for president as a Republican. He made a respectable showing, but he didn’t win and he set the stage for Donald Trump.
The evil that men do lives after them, and hopefully it won’t be 50 years before we manage to destroy Trumpism and the evangelical movement.