Donald Trump could probably spare himself from an ulcer or two and reduce his risk of a stroke or heart attack if he didn’t read the New York Time. Unfortunately, for him the Times prints all the news that’s fit to print, including the myriad mistakes and missteps of the utterly corrupt and inept Trump administration.
Recently the newspaper of record printed a story that detailed Trump’s daily routine during the coronavirus pandemic – including the fact that he “arrives in the Oval Office these days as late as noon when he is usually in a sour mood after his morning marathon of television.”
Trump immediately responded on his medium of choice, Twitter:
“I work from early in the morning until late at night, haven’t left the White House in many months (except to launch Hospital Ship Comfort) in order to take care of Trade Deals, Military Rebuilding etc., and then I read a phony story in the failing @nytimes about my work …”
True to form Trump’s sycophants in the White House immediately lied to cover up the fact that their boss is a lazy liar. These “yes men” spoke to the other major New York newspaper, The New York Post, that has only a fraction of the credibility of the New York Times. Here’s what these stooges told the Post:
New chief of staff Mark Meadows maintains that his biggest concern in his new job is making sure Trump gets some time to get a quick bite to eat. An unnamed source said that “there are times when lunch isn’t even a thought. A lot of time there’s either no time for lunch or there is 10 minutes for lunch.”
The stable genius spends his morning hours indulging in his favorite executive pastime of watching the morning cable news shows and snacking on junk food. By the time he walks into the Oval Office he is full of piss and vinegar from enduring the objective reporting on CNN and MSNBC that accurately depicts him as a corrupt and feckless buffoon.
The reporting of the New York Times is spot on, all you have to do is take one look at the grotesquely obese Trump to discern that the lazy POS spends all his time watching TV, and that he never misses any breakfast, lunch or dinner.