Congratulations On Your Weight Loss Lena Dunham!

“Dunham`s row with Hilton came just days after she debuted her slimmer figure at the opening of personal trainer Tracy Anderson`s flagship studio in New York. She responded to the public celebrating and condemning her weight loss in a lengthy post.

`I`ve accepted that my body is an ever changing organism, not a fixed entity- what goes up must come down and vice versa. I smile just as wide no matter my current size because I`m proud of what this body has seen and done and represented,` the Girls star wrote.

`My weight loss isn`t a triumph and it also isn`t some sign I`ve finally given into the voices of trolls. Because my body belongs to ME–at every phase, in every iteration, and whatever I`m doing with it, I`m not handing in my feminist card to anyone,” she asserted.”


Dunham is correct, her body belongs to her, but as an entertainer it`s incumbent upon her to maintain a pleasing weight so as to not gross out her fans every time she makes a public appearance.

But she`s incorrect in her assertion that her weight loss isn`t a triumph, maintaining an aesthetically-pleasing figure is a personal triumph. Losing tons of excess weight that leads to myriad health conditions is a triumph. Shedding ugly pounds is a sign of discipline and it`s a triumph over sloth and apathy.

A fat person smiling at his girth makes as much sense as an alcoholic smiling at his tremors.

Lena, you`ve earned the right to smile! Smile, girlfriend, smile!

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