Evangelicals fetishize the Ten Commandments, but most of them are unable to remember more than two or three of them. Not surprising since there are three different versions of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament. To make things even more complicated, the three versions are organized and phrased quite differently.
Evangelicals are always clamoring to have the Decalogue posted in classrooms, courtrooms and other public buildings. You’d expect evangelicals to support a presidential candidate whose rhetoric and behavior demonstrates that he is at least making an effort to abide by God’s most important laws.
Instead, they enthusiastically support a serial sexual predator and pathological liar who brags about breaking the laws of humans and the Almighty. Donald Trump’s biography is antithetical to that of a spiritually-minded person who is seeking to live by God’s Top Ten Laws. The soulless sociopath breaks them every day, and a dozen times on Sunday.
Moses gave the ancient Israelites the Ten Commandments, and former President Ronald Reagan gave Republicans the Eleventh Commandment:
“Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”
Trump shits all over the Eleventh Commandment with as much glee and enthusiasm as he does over the original ten. The twice-impeached former president eviscerates his political opponents, his attacks on Mike Pence, Nikki Haley and especially Ron DeSantis are crude, vulgar, petty and in most cases demonstrably false.
Evangelicals who would be hard pressed to recite the Ten Commandments, worship a presidential candidate who delights in breaking them. Their hero also makes a mockery of the Eleventh Commandment that was handed down to them by the greatest Republican hero, Ronald Reagan.
My favorite commandment is: Indict Donald Trump. I’m vehemently against posting the Ten Commandments in any public building, but I hope Trump is indicted, convicted and imprisoned in a cell with a giant poster of the Commandments on the wall of his cell.