White evangelicals are so vehemently homophobic that they consider any expression of gay pride as a sign of moral decay and as a portent of the End Times. Whenever a city with a significant community of gays and lesbians suffers a natural disaster, they interpret it as God’s judgment.
When a speaker makes a reference or allusion to a homosexual act, you would expect them to react with groans of disgust and shouts of disapproval.
But when their messiah, Donald Trump, threatened journalists with prison rape at a MAGA rally, they erupted with cheers and laughter.
“You take the writer and or the publisher of the paper … and you say ‘Who is the leaker? National security, And they say ‘We’re not gonna tell you.’ They say ‘That’s OK, you’re going to jail.’ And when this person realizes he’s going to be the bride of another prisoner very shortly, he will say ‘I’d very much like to tell you exactly who that leaker is!’”
This from a politician who has a long history of leaking to the press himself, and who lavished praise on WikiLeaks when they published information harmful to his political opponent, Hillary Clinton.
I’m not surprised that evangelicals laughed at the mention of sodomy, an act that their vengeful and spiteful deity hates, just as I’m not surprised that the largest consumers of girl-on-girl porn in the Bible Belt are the aforementioned hypocrites.
There is a special place reserved in hell for the likes of Trump and his evangelical supporters who exemplify the sins of hypocrisy and irrational hatred condemned by the Bible.