Most Democrats grudgingly admit that Biden’s mental acuity is on the decline, but they argue that dealing with his cognitive issues is a small price to pay considering his commitment to democracy, racial equality and the liberal agenda.
Their mindset seems to be: Old Joe has always been a gaffe machine, and now that he’s almost eighty the bats in his belfry are in a frenzy, but a kind man suffering from dementia is better than a psychopath suffering from mental decline.
True, Biden is a thousandfold better than Trump, but why should we have to settle for a batty octogenarian in the White House in 2024?
There is nothing amusing or endearing about President Joe Biden’s alarming cognitive decline. I wince, not smile, when he shakes hands with one of his imaginary friends. It’s cute when your grandpa shakes hands with invisible people, but it’s terrifying when the President of the United States and Leader of the Free World is manifestly delusional.
There are too many geriatric incumbents of both parties in leadership positions, it’s time to hand the baton to a younger generation.
If it’s Biden vs Trump again in 2024, America doesn’t deserve to survive as a democracy.