Touring the area where a devastating tornado touched down, Donald Trump signed Bibles for supporters who gathered to see him at a Baptist church in Opelika, Ala.
In the aftermath of the violent tornado you`d think evangelicals would be in fear of the awesome power of their God, and for at least the next few days and weeks live righteously.
Instead the white evangelicals thrust their Bibles at the man who embodies all seven deadly sins, so he could defile their holy books with his huge vain autograph.
“Donald Trump signing bibles is like Hannibal Lecter signing cookbooks.”
Adam Best on Twitter
Or I might add like a prostitute signing a book titled: Purity Ring, the story of a girl who exchanged her dildos and romance books for the ultimate symbol of virginity when she found Christ.
Atheists would have been convinced of the existence of the Almighty had he smote that Baptist church with a lightning bolt while the short-fingered vulgarian was signing Bibles.
Jesus would bless the Bibles and the lives of white evangelicals if they followed the teachings of the Gospels, and repudiated the man who is the antithesis of the precepts of love, compassion and peace of the true Messiah.
I close with this warning from Two Corinthians (as the Donald would say):
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
II Corinthians 5:7
I`m glad I won`t have to explain to Jesus why I begged the Antichrist to sign my Bible.