“A group of evangelical pastors gathered at Seattle’s CHOP zone earlier this week to pray and declare that they will defend houses of worship and statues of Jesus after activists called for tearing them down amid Black Lives Matter protests.”
Fox News
White evangelicals seem to be unfamiliar with the basic tenets of their faith, the first of the Ten Commandments prohibits making any statues of Jesus or any other heavenly being:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Evangelicals should be leading the charge to topple these graven images, the blond surfer dude Jesus statues are a sacrilegious abomination, a historical misrepresentation and an aesthetical nightmare.
But I’m not surprised that white evangelicals worship their white Jesus statues, after all they worship an orange anti-Christ.
The historical dark brown or black Jesus would be appalled at the spectacle of evangelicals defending these vile statues.
Instead of defending statues of Jesus, evangelicals should be defending the Gospel message of peace, unity and love. But if these reprobates embrace an amoral buffoon who is the antithesis of everything that the Bible teaches, I’m not surprised they are defending graven images.