Donald Trump is a terrorist.
Trump has transformed the Republican Party from a conservative political organization with a platform of fiscal responsibility, a strong military, and family values into a cult of personality. The GOP did not roll out a new party platform ahead of the 2020 presidential race because their new platform is unquestioned loyalty to their false messiah. Trump is their platform, period.
The terrorist-in-chief kept Republican congressional leaders in line by threatening to primary them when they showed any signs of deviating from Trumpism. The slightest sign of dissent was immediately crushed with an angry tweet.
Trump didn’t have to threaten his evangelical base because they were already conditioned to blindly accept as gospel any nonsense uttered by their leaders. Trump never threatened them, he just kept them in line by feeding them a steady diet of the racism, homophobia and sexism that they thrive on.
Donald Trump’s incendiary and inflammatory words on January 6, 2020, a day that will leave in infamy, validated what some of us have been warning about for years: he is a terrorist, a tyrant and a traitor.
“We’re just not going to let that happen … And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. … So we’re going to . . . walk down Pennsylvania Avenue … to the Capitol … and give our Republicans … the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
These are not the words of a statesman who has humbly accepted the verdict of the electorate, they are the words of a terrorist loser who wants to remain in power by violence and brute strength.
These were the marching orders of a tyrant instructing his followers to storm the Capitol and prevent Congress from certifying president-elect Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United Sates.
It’s only due to blind luck and the incompetence of the insurrectionists that Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other congressional leaders weren’t murdered.
Trump is a terrorist and he and his band of terrorists must be dealt with as harshly as we deal with international terrorists. The rioters must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and Trump must be impeached by the House and removed from office by the Senate.