If you don`t remember if you`re the individual dressed as a Klansman or the individual in blackface in a photograph, you just might be a racist.
If your nickname is “Coonman,” you just might be a racist.
If you`re such an expert at applying blackface that you know it`s difficult to wipe shoe polish from your face, you just might be a racist.
When the White Supremacist-in-chief calls your actions “unforgiveable,” you just might be a racist.
When your longsuffering wife has to restrain you from moonwalking in a press conference, you just might be a racist.
When almost every Democrat in the United States calls on you to resign, you just might be a racist.
When you refuse to resign because the African-American Lt. Governor would take your place, you just might be a racist.
When you have a shit eating grin on your face when you`re arguing that you`re not a racist, you must might be a racist.
When you can`t keep your story straight, you just might be a dumb racist.
When you`re more likely to be fitted for a KKK robe than a judge`s robe, you must might be a racist.