Mike Lindell, pillow entrepreneur, proponent of the Big Lie, spreader of false conspiracy theories, evangelical Christian and former crackhead was indicted into the “Roaring Lambs Hall of Fame” Saturday. The dubious ward is bestowed on those who “confidently carried their faith and values into every corner of society.”
The concept of a hall of fame for Christians is antithetical to the teaching of Jesus Christ who in the Gospel of Matthew is quoted telling his faithful followers: “Rejoice and be glad, because great in your reward in heaven.”
The Bible admonishes Christians to be humble, and to give God the glory at all times. Believers should wait for their rewards in heaven and eschew earthly commendations.
Why the holy fuck is the Pillow Guy being inducted into a Christian Hall of Fame, when his behavior is patently unchristian? “Thou shalt not lie” is one of the Ten Commandments, and Lindell is on a mission from God to spread the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. “Thou shalt not bear false witness” is also one of the Ten Commandments, and Lindell has falsely accused Dominion employees of tinkering with their voting machines to steal votes from Trump.
The fact that a con artist who sells pillows at inflated prices and is spreading the Bib Lie that is undermining our democracy tells you everything you need to know about the evangelical movement.
Satanists and atheists behave more like Jesus Christ than white evangelicals and I’d rather be inducted to their halls of fame than to the Roaring Lambs Hall of Fame.