The Depravity of Evangelicals Has Turned Protestants, Catholics & Adherents of Other Faiths Away from Religion

The hostile takeover of Protestant Christianity in America by the Religious Right is now complete, to the point where the evangelical movement is synonymous with Trump’s GOP.

Evangelicals like Jerry Falwell Sr. and Pat Robertson were John the Baptist, preparing their cult-like followers for the new messiah, Donald Trump. The Reality TV personality embodies and encapsulates the essence of the 21st Christian: a mercenary for Christ determined to remake our democracy as a Christian theocracy, by any means necessary.

Donald Trump lost in an electoral college and popular vote landslide to Joe Biden in a free and fair election, no problem.  Just claim, that the Lord’s anointed was the legitimate winner, and that the Almighty will restore him to his throne, by it by miliary coup, or legal shenanigans.

The depravity of white evangelicals has turned not just Protestants, but Catholics and adherents of other faiths away from religion. The skyrocketing number of Americans dissatisfied with religion is in large part a backlash against the Religious Right.

I feel at home with atheists, agnostics and even members of the Church of Satan more than I do with the evangelicals I used to bread with a long time ago.

Congratulations white evangelicals, you have driven a nail into Christianity.